Dieser aktuelle Werbespot von Ikea veranschaulicht in seltener Klarheit, wie die Konsumkultur funktioniert: Es geht nicht mehr ums Besitzen, sondern ums Kaufen (möglichst exklusiv oder möglichst günstig, je nach Möglichkeit). Und dazu muss man das Alte erst mal loswerden. Man hängt nicht mehr an seinen Sachen, sondern man hat (in merkwürdiger Verdrehung des paulinischen Gedankens), als hätte man nicht. Wenn etwas Neues und Besseres auf den Markt kommt, fliegt der alte Kram eben raus. Wer mit der Zeit geht, der entrümpelt, und vor allem: der kauft.
Die Hintergründe bekommt man sehr schön erklärt bei William Cavanaugh und, wer lieber Deutsch liest, von Thomas Weißenborn.
Hier das Gegenbild zur Ikea-Logik: Story of Stuff – auf Deutsch:
Story of Stuff – German from UTOPIA AG on Vimeo.
Mountains O’things by Tracy Chapman
The life I’ve always wanted
I guess I’ll never have
I’ll be working for somebody else
Until I’m in my grave
I’ll be dreaming of a live of ease
And mountains
Oh mountains o‘ things
To have a big expensive car
Drag my furs on the ground
And have a maid that I can tell
To bring me anything
Everyone will look at me with envy and with greed
I’ll revel in their attention
And mountains
Oh mountains o‘ things
Sweet lazy life
Champagne and caviar
I hope you’ll come and find me
Cause you know who we are
Those who deserve the best in life
And know what money’s worth
And those whose sole misfortune
Was having mountains o‘ nothing at birth
Oh they tell me
There’s still time to save my soul
They tell me
Renounce all
Renounce all those material things you gained by
Exploiting other human beings
Consume more than you need
This is the dream
Make you pauper
Or make you queen
I won’t die lonely
I’ll have it all prearranged
A grave that’s deep and wide enough
For me and all my mountains o‘ things
Oh they tell me
There’s still time to save my soul
They tell me
Renounce all
Renounce all those material things you gained by
Exploiting other human beings
Mostly I feel lonely
Good good people are
Good people are only
My stepping stones
It’s gonna take all my mountains o‘ things
To surround me
Keep all my enemies away
Keep my sadness and loneliness at bay
The life I’ve always wanted
I guess I’ll never have
I’ll be working for somebody else
Until I’m in my grave
I’ll be dreaming of a live of ease
And mountains
Oh mountains o‘ things
I’ll be dreaming, dreaming…
Material World by Tracy Chapman
You in your fancy
Material world
Don’t see the links of chain
Binding blood
Our own ancestors
Are hungry ghosts
Closets so full of bones
They won’t close
Call it upward mobility
But you’ve been sold down the river
Just another form of slavery
And the whole man-made white world
Is your master
You in your fancy
Material world
Create in your own image
A supreme god
Your virgin mary
Your holy ghosts
Claimed to be pure of heart
Have hands that are stained with blood
You in your fancy
Material world
Don’t see the links of chain