Das Nachdenken über Kloster-Kirche, wieder neu in Schwung gekommen durch unsere Erfahrungen der 24/7 Woche, bzw. die Übertragung des klösterlichen Modells von Gemeindeleben in unsere Situation beschäftigt auch Christianity Today. Kevin Miller fragt im Leadership Blog, angesprochen auf funktionierende Modelle für gemeinschaftliches geistliches Leben und eine Gegenkultur, die sich dem Gemeinwohl verpflichtet weiß:
What would happen to your life if you lived in close geographical community and relationship with other people; if you lived in submission to authority; if you practiced silence and simplicity and discipline; if you regularly read the Bible and prayed and meditated on what you read; if you made study part of your life; and if you worked hard in some daily occupation, seeing your labor as full of dignity and offering it to God?
At least Saint Benedict thinks you’d become a healthier human being and godlier Christian. And 1,500 years of history would prove him right.
Steve Taylor nennt solche Gemeinschaften mit Zygmunt Bauman “ethical communities”:
As with the ancients, postmodern monks need to develop a rhythm of prayer, a shared daily spirituality that ensures their mission is about more than ther neon glow of a screen. A postmodern monastery needs to take shape within a rhythm of appreciating people, creation and God.
Technorati Tags: Gemeinde, Mönchtum, Spiritualität